Transforming Chaplaincy is a think tank with a mission to promote research literacy in chaplaincy to improve patient outcomes.
By integrating contemporary scholarship into ongoing practice,chaplains can provide better care, educators can prepare chaplains to be more effective in their work, and healthcare administrators and professionals can drive effective institutional change. Our resources give these groups the tools they need to transform chaplaincy in their institutions.
Transforming Chaplaincy is a think
tank with a mission to promote
research literacy in chaplaincy
to improve patient outcomes.By integrating contemporary scholarship into
ongoing practice, chaplains can provide better care,
educators can prepare chaplains to be more effective
in their work, and healthcare administrators and
professionals can drive effective institutional change.
Our resources give these groups the tools they need
to transform chaplaincy in their institutions.CONTACT US -
Transforming Chaplaincy grew
from a pioneering partnership
between Rush University Medical
Center, Brandeis University, and
the Joint Research Council. It
continues today as a central
resource for fostering
research-literate chaplaincyWe serve a wide variety of diverse
communities—including chaplains, educators,
and healthcare administrators and
professionals—by enhancing their practice with
the best research and scholarship now available.LEARN MORE -
We encourage you to explore
all Transforming Chaplaincy
has to offer.We also invite your feedback, including on
resources you'd like to see available and resources
you may want to contribute. Stay in touch through
our email newsletter, Facebook, and Twitter.RESOURCES
Advancing Evidence-Based Spiritual Care: We’re Learning What It Takes
George Fitchett, DMin, PhD, BCC of Rush University presented this talk at the symposium Partners in Strengthening Spiritual Care
“State of the Science of Spirituality and Palliative Care Research“
We’re proud to feature the ACPE Research Network Article of the Month. We’re grateful to the Network for sharing its work here and encourage you to take advantage of this valuable resource.